Totally Absorbent Solutions in spill control.

Why is Totally Absorbent the Right Choice?

TOTALLY ABSORBENT represents several manufacturing companies that produce spill cleanup materials. We have a complete range of products covering lab and field applications. This means we offer materials which allow for collection, recovery, neutralization and solidification of hazardous waste.

Because of EPA cradle-to-grave responsibility for generators, we supply products that are lightweight, incineratable and fuel-blendable -- this helps with the waste minimization and ultimate disposal. Also, the changes in EPA regulations may effect some of the products that you are currently using, and recent changes in technology could improve your profits and efficiency.

An environmental accident or incident can pose an almost insurmountable challenge to your business or organization. Choosing the most effective and efficient method of cleanup is essential. TOTALLY ABSORBENT provides you the products and wherewithal you need to economically and responsibly cleanup of hazardous materials.

We Are a Full Service Company.

If you would like additional information, a product catalog or demonstration, or would like to see our response trailer, please give us a call. We look forward to hearing from you.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6